Multi-Purpose Utility Sled
October 31, 2024

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Wheelbarrows and Wagons are limited by their wheels! Sandy Soil, mud and slippery surfaces covered with water and ice are not good for wheeled utility haulers. A sled is a great alternative if you need to move tools, brush, debris, landscape plantings, fertilizer and so much more.
Hunters have used sleds like these for years, but it never occurred to me to use one of these sleds for any of those other purposes until hundreds of wonderful disaster recovery volunteers descended on Western North Carolina with many of these invaluable carriers. (Bless them for all they have done for the people hit hard for hurricane Helene!)
These sleds are just the right size to move anything too bulky or heavy to hand-carry. They can slide in between obstacles that a truck or other motorized haulers cannot pass. You will make fewer trips to your storage and back with one of these sleds!
Ozone Generator/Air Purifier
October 18, 2024
Oxygen atoms usually come in pairs, (O2). Ozone (O3) cleans and removes odors by readily releasing the extra oxygen and combining with (“oxidizing”) troublesome elements in the air. Ozone has a distinctive smell and you may have noticed its odor after a lightning strike or if an electrical appliance malfunctions and generates a spark or arc of electricity.
An ozone generator should not be used in an area with pets or people. This manufacturer recommends waiting an hour after treating an area with the ozone generator before returning to the area. You do not want to breathe or be exposed to ozone!
Ozone is heavier than air and tend to accumulate first in lower areas of the room. I found it best to place it on a table or counter at least waist high. The internal fan in the generator will easily fill an entire room from this position.
Basements, in particular, tend to accumulate suspicious odors. I have used this ozone generator in basement areas and returned later to a fresher smell and, I think, a reduction in the spider and pest population.
For longer runs, I have placed this generator on the “Hold” position and connected it to a remote switch or timer. The internal timer has a maximum run time of 120 minutes and I have run this machine in large basement areas for much longer.
There are models with a built-in Wi-Fi remote capability and 12 hour timers – but I use these ozone generators so heavily I find that I need to replace them periodically. The high capacity and low cost of this model works well with an external timer or switch.
I’ll post more about timers and switches later. In the meantime, check this ozone generator out by clicking the image or caption at the top of this page. Scroll to the bottom of the page at Amazon to read more about how ozone “oxidizes” bacteria and other pollutants.