Red Light Therapy For Ears (and Nose?)
February 7, 2025
Mom is one hundred years young and struggled for a year with an ear drum injury that would not heal. We communicated in writing with an iPad – just to be certain that she understood a few words.
After a month with this device, (once a day for thirty minutes on the default setting) we all noticed that her hearing had improved to the point where we could have conversations again.
Will it work for you if you have problems healing an ear or similar injury? Don’t know – but we have been recommending them to friends. It worked in our family, and it’s worth a try if you have a similar condition.
Red light therapy is claimed to be an aid to healing, inflammation reduction and recovery from infection.
If you want to know about Red Light Therapy for head and scalp, click here.
The Red Light Hat
February 7, 2025
In the evening, with a favorite show or daily news, is a perfect time for me. I look forward to a thirty-minute session with this warm and comforting Red Light Therapy Hat every day. The manufacturer wants to tell you about hair growth benefits, but I have found other benefits for myself.
For me, this Red Light Therapy Hat is another tool to reduce inflammation and promote healing and health. My sister claims that it shortened her bout of winter flu this year.
If you haven’t tried Red Light Therapy, click the “hat” picture above and take a look around Amazon. You will find many Red Light products designed for different therapies. You could consider starting with one to see if you personally benefit from red light on your back, your scalp or your ears.
If you are interested in Red Light Therapy for Ears/Nose, look here.
Portable Book Scanner
February 7, 2025
For a long time, I could not bring myself to discard or store my Dad’s awards and recognitions of service over his sixty-year career. Four years after his passing, I found this unique scanner design. Since Plaques and trophies are three dimensional – they are not reliably scanned in a traditional flatbed scanner.
Using this scanner, I was able to preserve a high-resolution image of each memento and share them through the Ancestry family tree web site.
The scanner is essentially a camera system. It is fast and easy to use. If you need to scan anything of reasonable size that will not work on a flatbed scanner, give this a try.