July 30, 2024

Start with this From Wikipedia:

RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication)[2] is a web feed[3] that allows users and applications to access updates to websites in a standardized, computer-readable format.”

Then try this Google Search to find feeds from news and other web sites:

Try FLUENT READER, a versatile RSS reader available and easily installed from these APP stores and download sites: Microsoft PC, LINUX and Apple. (Links to both APP stores are also at the bottom of the Fluent Reader page link.)

Fluent Reader Home Screen

It has multiple views and filtering by news source, Read/Unread and Starred:

Showing all UNREAD in CARD View

You can quickly clear out old news:

Marking all as Read

And it is easy to add a new feed:

Just Enter The Website’s Published RSS Feed Link

Give Fluent Reader a try and don’t forget to add our RSS feed. Thanks!

Searching all recent articles for “Amazon”

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