I use Benefect, a patented botantical disinfectant. The label shows it kills over 99.99% of Bacteria, Fungus, TB and HIV. I use it at home and work on pretty much all surfaces to kill viruses, bacteria and mold …. including scary bacteria and viruses like MRSA, COVID, staph, HIV and TB. I even use it in my laundry. I so appreciate a non-toxic “spray and go disinfectant” …that is also environmentally friendly! You can spray it, sponge it, mop with it and can even use it on food prep areas like kitchen surfaces and counter tops. Thyme Oil @ 0.23% provides the “magic”and the non-harsh scent. Click here to learn more.

Since Benefect is considered a hospital quality disinfectant and can be out of stock at Amazon, I also purchase Bioesque or RMR Botanical Cleaner & Treatment Spray. I consider all three of these “spray and go” botanical disinfectants excellent choices!

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