Deluxe Food Vacuum Sealer
June 21, 2024
If you like quick, high-quality meals – a Food Vacuum Sealer is an essential. Fresh fruit and vegetables keep longer in the refrigerator if they are sealed and re-sealed.
We prepare 2-3 weeks of meals (pre-cooked salmon, burgers, streaks, turkey, chicken, quiche) in vacuum-sealed freezer bags. Each bag contains a meal portion for one or two people. Thanks to the handy microwave. the main entry of any meal is ready in minutes.

Now for the bad news. Not all vacuum sealers are created equal. Since an airtight seal and a healthy vacuum pump is required for a really good seal – these handy kitchen tools will eventually need to be replaced.
But wait, for the really good news! After we tried three other models, our personal experience with this particular product has been stellar. It is still running now – already two, three, four times longer than lesser models. This one is worth the price!