I have been using this gadget in the KITCHEN! It has a “dual mode” switch that allows it to check surface temperatures of food pulled from the freezer or the microwave. It also will check “room temperature” as well.

Check it out!

July 20, 2020

Dad bought one of these non-contact thermometers, and I was surprised how easy it was to use! I was curious about their accuracy, so I “googled” reviews from medical institutions on the web.

The “Gold Standard” according to some web sites is till the old fashioned inserted thermometer, but there was a consensus among the site I visited that if used correctly, these new non-contact thermometers are accurate.

You see these in use at the entrance to doctors offices everywhere, thanks to COVID virus; so I was able to confirm Dad’s idea that if his doctor was using it to screen for fever, it would be good for him to use as well.

Most instructions advise taking a reading of the forehead and to be aware of any clothing, cream, or prescription that might interfere with an accurate reading.

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