The Health Mate Air purifier is a heavy duty air purifier for large areas. The manufacturer suggests that this is for areas up to 1500 square feet. Unlike the UV-C Air Filtration, this is primarily an air filtration unit that removes small particles and odors.

We paired the HealthMate with the UV-C air filtration to keep our office air fresh!

Also, Check out the HealthMate PLUS! It is designed to remove volatile organics, bacteria and viruses and those individuals with special sensitivities may prefer this upgraded model.

Once or twice a week there is the brief “blink” in electric power. The lights may dim and some digital clocks may need to be reset, but…

The most annoying thing is the confusion that these power transients cause in the brains of internet modems and routers.

Nothing is foolproof, but a small battery backup just for the internet modem and home wireless has eliminated most of the interruptions we have experienced at our home.

Your laptop computer has a battery and, except for internet and WIFI connections will typically keep on keeping on if the power to your home pauses for an instant. A battery backup dedicated to the internet connetion provides the same stability for that equipment and adds additional surge protection as well.

A couple of small battery backups are often more functional than a single large unit as they can be placed separately and moved to where they are needed.

If you still have a desktop computer instead of a laptop, you may want that second unit.

For a desktop computer, monitor and printer; be sure to check the wattage of everything you intend to protect. The larger units are sold for heavier loads with printers typically being the heaviest users of electricity.

Internet modems and WIFI are relatively light loads. While a smaller unit than this one featured might be adequate, this model supports the common three prong outlet which many devices require.

Very small battery backup devices sometimes only support two pronged pwoer cords (“lamp cords”) and are designed for very small devices such as cell phone chargers.

Our dentist recommended twice daily use of this Tooth and Gums Tonic would be better for us than alcohol-based mouthwash. It has a pleasant taste and is now a part of my daily self-care routine.

…And he recommended this for your Toothbrush:

We have used Life Extension products for years and have been very pleased with their research, their monthly magazine and the high quality of their products.

Ordering online is easy, but we still price compare! Occasionally, we will find same or similar Life Extension products at a better price on Amazon. If you price shop, check out Life Extension on the Amazon Web Site.

You do have to read the fine print. Make sure the supplement formulation and number of capsules is the same as the identical product you usually buy!

Yes, they still make the “Magic 8 Ball” novelty gift, but there is another way to make those tough “executive decisions”; just open up a fortune cookie. They are really for entertainment, as it is an extremely rare occasion that a cookie contains some perfectly practical pearl of wisdom that actually applies to matters at hand.

These light and crispy cookies with a cup of coffee are an office favorite for a low-calorie finish to the lunchtime break. Try them!

(There’s a little bit of fun in each of those “thought for the day” slips of paper. They will brighten your day!)