Yes, they still make the “Magic 8 Ball” novelty gift, but there is another way to make those tough “executive decisions”; just open up a fortune cookie. They are really for entertainment, as it is an extremely rare occasion that a cookie contains some perfectly practical pearl of wisdom that actually applies to matters at hand.

These light and crispy cookies with a cup of coffee are an office favorite for a low-calorie finish to the lunchtime break. Try them!

(There’s a little bit of fun in each of those “thought for the day” slips of paper. They will brighten your day!)

COVID gave us an opportunity to bring better meals and entertainment back home. We are trying new recipes and discovering movies and re-broadcasts of television shows that we missed in 2019.

So, Dinner and a Movie in 2020 means a quiet night at home.

We bought these snack trays and absolutely love their sturdy construction and appearance. The only criticism so far: a tiny decorative wooden “plug” intended to hide the screw/hinge had to be glued back in place.

There are color choices and options for sets of two and sets of four snack tables lilsted on Amazon. Check them out. The “set of five” description includes the storage stand and four snack tables.

Xylitol is a sweetener substitute for anyone who wants to avoid their use of ordinary table sugar. We prefer Xylitol (from birch trees) instead of other popular alternatives that do not digest well or have an unpleasant aftertaste.

To our palate, Xylitol is the perfect taste equivalent of table sugar. It’s great for lemonade or sprinkled over tart fruit – we always keep a couple of these convenient single serve packets handy.

Smaller boxes of Xylitol are available at Amazon if you want to try it out, or if the large box is out of stock.

Wow! What a difference this massage gun has made in my life! I have been a weightlifter for years and have always struggled with large, painful muscle knots that I couldn’t work out with massage, foam rollers or recovery sticks. I researched options and learned that massage guns are used by athletes for workout recovery…..found I could own my very own massage gun at a reasonable price through Amazon.  I use the massage gun just a few minutes a day AT HOME and the pain and knots are gone….my massage gun is always ready to work on my knots, doesn’t complain that I need to use it every day and costs nothing but the electricity to charge it after my initial purchase. The Sokiss Massage Gun continues to be an excellent choice. 

Don’t buy the wrong wallet cover for your cellphone!

These products are a “custom fit” to the exact model of cellphone you own. But, if you have just upgraded your phone you will need a new case. It may be time for you to try my favorite style,

The wallet style makes it easy to keep a license or ID card, a credit card and a little cash together with your phone. Pick that up and your keys and you have the basics that you need to leave the house!

Each case is custom designed for the exact model of phone you own, If you would prefer a different color, check out this link and browse the options that are available.