After four years our two Sanitizing boxes are still working! Some newer models are battery powered, but a small recharging cord hasn’t stopped us from taking the smaller unit with us when we travel.

May 27, 2020

“Sunlight is the best disinfectant” is more than a metaphor. For for past generations and for many people today, “spring clean” means open windows, fresh air in the house, and a few hours in the sun for hard to sanitize items.

We brought sunlight indoors and bought two  UV Sanitizers from Amazon. The small items in pockets and purses that go out in the world with us everyday

The smaller unit is ideal for a small wallet or cellphone, a large unit works perfectly on tablets, eye glasses, keys & wallets and other irregular shaped objects.

We routinely place items that we frequently touch in the boxes for a quick ten minute exposure to the UV light.

It’s so simple to use! Just open the door, place your keys, wallet or phone inside and close the door! We are happy with a 10 minute exposure and those items we touch every day are ready to go again!

This is a very competitive and rapidly changing product category, so follow the link at the top let me know if you find a better value! 

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