VitaMix Blenders

July 22, 2020

We love raw fruits and vegetables. Apples, pears, beets, celery, and more. They all go into our “ten ingredient salads”. We try to push salad creativity by adding in at least ten ingredients. Those incredients sometimes include a few dried cranberries, a few walnuts or a few dried date bits. 
Sometimes, a large salad just seems like too much, and so we reach for the Vitamix blender. It’s a heavy duty blender that has lasted us for years. A little ice, a little water and the vegetables of the day go into the large container. In a few seconds, a couple of glasses of a cold and pleasant tasting vegetable cocktail is ready to drink.  
There is some debate among those who like raw fruit and vegetable drinks as to whether juicing or blending is better. Most articles argue the benefits of both, like this one. We came down in favor of the benefits of consuming the whole food with it’s complete nutrition and abundant fiber content.
Check out the various models of Vitamix and give them a try.

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