UPDATE! Almost four years later, we are still using these containers to prepare and freeze foods for week-at-a-time meals. The COVID years resulted in permanent lifestyle changes for many people. We became accustomed to meals we prepared and now we rarely eat out at restaurants. We still have one or two favorites, but the convenience of having meals out of the freezer and ready in minutes is wonderful.

The freeze and thaw resilience of these containers is pretty good. We have lost two or three over the past four years due to heavy re-use, but most are still in service and we would definitely buy them again.

July 28, 2020

COVID has had a lifestyle impact for everyone. For us, almost every meal is prepared at home with fresh ingredients and a few packaged food items.

It’s less expensive than eating out, provided that you minimize the wasting of food. To save time and to minimize loss, we are preparing thing like salads, sliced fruits and similar items a couple of meals at a time.

In addition to cutting down the food preparation time, we still get some of the immediate gratification one gets from “grab and go” meals. The time pressures of daily life are still here so we have created a little bit of that “take out” convenience for ourselves.

The secret is being prepared with the food store-and-travel tools you need. We bought set of these 16 ounce containers and a set of their larger brothers in 32 ounce size. They go into the dish washer after use and into the freezer for longer term food storage.

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